Originally published 2021/07/18
For my Final Project, I am taking on creating a declarative project with Storyline. I think I want to focus on an overview of the Instructional Design process to present to my new department at work. My training team was recently moved into HR and there has been some growing pains. We want to be able to describe to them our process and what value we add, as well as how we work. My goal will be showing an overview of the instructional design process as well as providing examples and pulling them into the process.
This is very straightforward knowledge relay, but I think it is necessary in order to build a better working relationship. I want to include some interactivity to keep the attention of the learners. My main challenge here will be to make this interesting and relevant to my audience. I am toying around with a few other ideas, I would love to find a subject for a branching scenario module, but this idea I think is the most viable.